The event is part of the ITALY-SLOVENIA bilateral agreements signed in 2022, which aim to create a permanent collaborative partnership between the two countries on certain issues relevant to space research and industry.

The meeting held at the university was a useful opportunity to propose the creation of a FVG region competition/challenge open to schools and students on SPACE, DRONES and URBAN AIR MOBILITY. Students at the event were extremely interested.

The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the incubator of the University of Maribor managed by PODIM, organisers of the largest event ( for young people and start-ups, which gathers innovative ideas from the eastern and southern Europe areas. They confirmed their willingness to promote the initiative for young people through their social channels. In addition, PODIM coordinates one of the country’s 6 innovation/incubation centres, with one of the hubs of this centre being the Nova Gorica Science and Technology Park.

The enjoyable evening, with the delegation of companies that would participate the next day in the B2B event, was an opportunity to present the CT3A Cluster initiative to representatives of the industry.